
Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Allocation

Since April 2011 we have received a Pupil Premium in addition to our main school funding. The school receives funding for three groups of children;

  • Children currently receiving free school meals (FSM) or having received them within the last six years (Ever 6)
  • Children whose parents are in the services
  • Children who are in Local Authority Care (CiC) or who have been adopted
With infants receiving FSM there may appear no reason to apply even if eligible. However, if your child is entitled to a free school meal please do register even if you have no intention of using this facility. Your child and the children of Lanivet School will benefit from additional opportunities as a result and this funding will continue for 6 years after FSM ends.

Details on how to apply for FSM and pupil premium, can be found by clicking the link below: 

If you would like any support in applying for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium please contact the school office. 

The Pupil Premium funding is not spent as a specific amount per child. Spending is decided on a needs basis and allocated accordingly. It is not possible to say how a budget is used specifically for each individual child. There is a link to our pupil premium plan.